Add Your Resume

PIAS:Personnel Search - Online Resume

Find a job! Fill out the form below for your resume to be
included in our Resume Files

**PIAS members: Please contact Whitney Presley if you have available position openings and want to see any resumes we have on file.

Fields that are marked in This Color are required fields.


First Name:

Middle Name:

Last Name:

Suffix Name:





Daytime Phone:


Position Desired:

Years of Experience in Position Desired:

Years Experience in the Printing Industry:

Geographic Area Desired:

Full Or Part Time Or Temporary Employment Position Desired:

Are You Willing To Relocate:

Transportation Available:

Date Available For Employment:

Highest Educational Level Completed:

Type Of Degree Or Major:

School Name:

Year Degree Received
Major Completed:


Work Experience:

Provide a brief description of your work history highlighting your accomplishments and qualifications for the position you want.

Specialized Skills:

List all skills that would apply to the position.


List the names of specific printing equipment that you are skilled in operating.


List the names of software that you are skilled in operating that applies to the position and the printing industry.

Computer Systems:

List the types of computer systems and operating systems that you are skilled in operating.

Other Information:

List any additional information about your work history, education, skills or anything that would identify you as a prime candidate for the position.

Optional Reference Info:

Please review your information carefully before submitting it to PIAS.